Welcome to our SOCIAL MEDIA page! Scroll down and learn about the various outlets we use to highlight our services, fun projects, behind-the-scenes and much more!

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to each of them to get the full NarroWay Entertainment experience. To learn more about each department, check out the “DEPARTMENTS” tab in the MAIN MENU.

YouTube Channels

NarroWay Entertainment Film Production YouTube Channel

This YouTube Channel features fun videos, client projects, featured channels and behind-the-scenes of current film & video production projects we are working on. Visit, Share & Subscribe!

Beyond Fig Leaves Sewing & Costume and Beyond Fig Leaves Home & Business Decor YouTube Channel

This YouTube channel features videos from both the sewing & costume department, Beyond Fig Leaves Sewing, and the set dressing department, Beyond Fig Leaves Home & Business Decor. Types of videos include sewing classes, fun costume projects, tutorials, commercials for items in our store and much more! Visit, Share & Subscribe!


Our primary Etsy shop, www.NarroWayFilmPro.Etsy.com, features our films available to purchase on DVD, related promotional products and fun filmmaking accessories!

Make sure to “LIKE” this Etsy store for the latest updates about new films, items, sales & more!

Our other Etsy shop, www.BeyondFigLeaves.Etsy.com, features items & sewing services provided by two of our departments….

  • Costume & Sewing Department: Beyond Fig Leaves Sewing
  • Set Dressing Department: Beyond Fig Leaves Home & Business Decor

Some of our services include clothing alterations & repairs, home decor sewing services, custom window treatments, stuffed animal repair/restoration and much more!

Make sure to “LIKE” this Etsy shop to stay updated about new services, sales and more!

Want to see the latest snapshots? Check out our Instagram page!

Boundless Roots… Brittany (@brittsboundlessroots) • Instagram photos and videos


Do you want to see our latest projects in action? Our individual department Facebook pages have weekly updates about fun projects, interesting challenges and much more! Make sure to follow each page to stay updated!


Every other week, we publish a blog post that highlights a particular service, film production, sale or event we are currently working on. If you would like to stay updated, make sure to sign up for our blog to receive the latest updates sent straight to your inbox!