The Seven Species (Hebrew: שבעת המינים, Shiv’at HaMinim) are seven agricultural products – two grains and five fruits – which are listed in the Hebrew Bible as being special products of the Land of Israel.
The seven species listed are wheat, barley, grape, fig, pomegranates, olive (oil), and date (honey) (Deuteronomy 8:8).*
Here is a Scriptural background about the Seven Species themselves…
WHEAT: The ancient Israelites cultivated both wheat and barley. These two grains are mentioned first in the biblical list of the Seven Species of the land of Israel and their importance as food in ancient Israelite cuisine is also seen in the celebration of the barley harvest at the festival of Shavuot/Pentecost and of the wheat harvest at the festival of Sukkot/Tabernacles. Scriptures about wheat include: Is. 28:24-25, John 12:24, 1 Sam. 6:13, 1 Sam. 12:16-18
BARLEY: A hardy grain that has coarse bristles coming from the ears. It is widely cultivated, mainly for use in brewing and stockfeed. Scriptures about barley include: Ruth 2:23, John 6:9, 2 Kings 4:42, Rev. 6:6
GRAPES: Grapes were used mainly for the production of wine, although they were also eaten fresh and dried. Scriptures about grapes include: Num. 13:21-25, Gen. 40:9-11, Matt. 7:15-16, James 3:12
FIGS: Figs were cultivated throughout the Land of Israel and fresh or dried figs were part of the daily diet. A common way of preparing dried figs was to chop them and press them into a cake. Scriptures about figs include: 1 Samuel 25:18, Mark 13:28-31, 1 Samuel 30:12, 1 Chronicles 12:40-41, Num. 13:21-23, Luke 13:6-9
POMEGRANATES: Pomegranates were usually eaten fresh, although occasionally they were used to make juice or wine, or sun-dried for use when the fresh fruit was out of season. They probably played a minor part in Israelite cuisine, but were symbolically important, as adornments on the hem of the robe of the high priest and the Temple pillars, and embossed on coinage. Scriptures about pomegranates include: Num. 13:23, Song of Songs 4:13, Ex. 39:24, 1 Sam. 14:2
OLIVES: The olive was a major element in the seven species. Olive oil was used not only for food and for cooking, but also for lighting, sacrificial offerings, ointment, and anointment for priestly or royal offices. Scriptures about olives include: Lev. 24:2, Num. 18:11-13, Job 29:4-6, Ex. 30:22-33, Gen. 8:11, Rom. 11:24, Ps. 52:8
DATES: Dates were eaten fresh or dried, but were used mostly boiled into a thick, long-lasting syrup called “date honey” (dvash temarim) for use as a sweetener. The honey in the Biblical reference of “a land flowing with milk and honey” (for example, Exodus 3:8) is date honey. Scriptures about dates include: 2 Sam. 6:19, 1 Chron. 16:3
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SOURCE: Seven Species – Wikipedia
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